Wednesday, July 28, 2010


George and I just back from 10 days in Peru. We visited the three main areas of the country: the coast, the mountains and the jungle. On the coast we stayed at Second Home Peru, the home and studio of famous Peruvian artist Victor Delfin. The small hotel is located in the neighborhood of Barranco just outside Lima. It is perched atop the cliffs that overlook the Pacific Ocean. Here we enjoyed the hospitality of Lilian Delfin, viewed the studio of Victor Delfin and enjoyed his wonderful artwork that filled the hotel. A highpoint of our trip was meeting Senor Delfin. We took a tour of Lima, including the Archeology Museum of Larco Ferrera and The Plaza Mayor, and the Monastery of San Fransisco. We also took a bus ride to the town of Ica where we were able to go on to Paracas and the Ballestas Island. It was here we saw Humboldt Penguins and sealions and thousands of birds that use the islands to nest and perch.
In the mountains we visited Cuzco. From our base there we went to the many ruins and sites in the Sacred Valley and of course our train ride to Aguas Calientes and Machu Picchu. I still can't believe I was there, standing at the top of that mountain looking down on one of the most well known Wonders of the World.
Our last part of the trip took us to the jungle where we stayed at the Tambopata National Reserve. Here we visited a clay lick to see macaws and parrots, took a canoe ride around an oxbow lake, and climbed a very tall observation tower to observe the wildlife in the canopy. This, along with walks and boat rides made it possible for me to add 64 new birds to my life list.