Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An Udderly Wonderful Breakfast

On the way from Lancaster, Pennsylvania to Lititz, we stopped for breakfast at this restaurant. Not only was the breakfast wonderful, but they had probably the largest collection of ice-cream scoops anywhere.

Door handles...I like these cows.

Ice cream scoops. This is only maybe a third of the collection. Anytime anyone collects this much of anything, I find it interesting.


Just north of Lancaster is a sweet little town. Founded in the mid 1700's by the Moravians, it is now a nice little day trip. The town is packed with lovely old historic buildings and quaint little shops.

The Sutter Inn, named after General Sutter, of Sutter's Gold fame, the founder of Sacremento, California spent the last 9 years of his life in Lititz.

They really don't want you to be hit by a car in this town.

The Wilbur Chocolate Factory, still in operation, now houses a small museum of chocoloate paraphenalia.

Chocolate molds

Candy stamps

A collection of antique cocoa boxes

I had to stop here and try out the merchandise.

A Key Lime Cupcake, was as good as it sounds and looks

First pretzel bakery in the new world, right here in Lititz, Pennyslvania

Kathy and the giant pretzel of Lititz

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chincoteague, Virgina

We were able to get away this weekend for a trip to Chincoteague, Virginia. The beach was packed with people and the wildlife refuge was packed with birds. We hadn't been there in a while and were surprised by some changes, like the new causeway bridge that now obstructs the pristine view of the marsh on the bay from our favorite hotel. Many shops on the island have gone out of business and new ones have sprung up, but generally things are much the same. The beach on Assateague Island now is much shorter beach and has no dunes. The wildlife refuge however, seems very much the same. It was good to see the water level high. Fall migration has started and we were able to see some nice birds. Here is a list of some of our favorites: Brown Pelican, White Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Black-Necked Stilt, Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, Long-Billed Dowitcher, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover, Osprey, Double-Crested Cormorant, Green-Backed Heron, Little Blue Heron, Great Blue Heron, Piping Plover, Caspian Tern, Royal Tern, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern, Laughing Gull, Great Black-Backed Gull, American Oystercatcher, Canada Goose, Great Egret, Snowy Egret, Cattle Egret.

A view of Snow Goose Pond in early morning

Bird tracks on the beach

Greater Black-Backed Gull

Here is the reason that most people come to the Wildlife Refuge on Assateatue Island, a view of the wild ponies of Chincoteague.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Birding at Bombay Hook Nationall Wildlife Refuge

The marsh was beautiful this morning, so many wildflowers in bloom and so many birds. Also so many horse flies, but lucky for us they weren't biting.

This fox greeted us as we entered the refuge.

An American Avocet, my favorite shorebird and we saw literally hundreds of them. What a treat!

Another of my favorites, the Black-necked Stilt. They are so delicate and graceful.

Here is a group of Lesser Yellowlegs.

Avocets, Yellowlegs and an Egret.

Great Egrets amd Snowy Egrets

Egrets and Glossy Ibis

Butterfly on Milkweed

Finally, here is me. We did most of our birding from the car in order to avoid those bothersome horseflies. It was a rather grey morning but I think that makes for the best birding.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jerusalem Mill Walk

Accompanied by the constant hum of cicadas, George and I walked the trail this morning along the Little Gunpowder River between Jerusalem Mill and Belair Road. This is another of Harford Counties little gems located about 5 miles from my home. This is a historic site that has been around since Revolutionary times and had some importance during the CivilWar.
The Jerusalem Mill gristmill was built in 1772 by millwright Isiah Linton and was operated by miller David Lee. Lee's Merchant Mill produced the prized White Silk flour for sale locally and overseas. The Lee's sold the gristmill in 1886. Operation continued until 1961. The restored mill structure opened in 1995.
McCourtney's Store (Circa 1830's) was built by Ralph S. Lee and was in use as a general store when it was raided during the Civil War by Confederate Major Harry Gilmore's cavalry.

The Tenant Farmhouse was occupied by farmers who maintained the large barn on the property which is now in ruins.

One of the few remaining covered bridges in the US is part of the Jerusalem Mill Village complex. It was built in 1865.

Ruins of the old barn

The Little Gunpowder River