Monday, November 10, 2014

Asa Wright Nature Center, Trinidad

With 472 species of birds recorded in Trinidad, I am not sure how this country stayed under my radar for birdwatching. I learned that the place to pursue my passion for birding was the Asa Wright Nature Center. Located in the Northern Range overlooking the Arima Valley, this picturesque location boasts 150 easily seen species on their grounds and up to 40 from the verandah alone. The actual center is a plantation house built in 1908 and later purchased by Asa and Newcombe Wright, avid naturalists and birdwatchers. In 1967 a trust was set up which established the property as a nature center. It is now a popular destination for birdwatchers around the world. One of the most sought after birds here is the Oilbird. Dunston Cave is one of the largest accessible colonies in the world of Oilbirds and a 3 night stay at the center guarantees a visit there. There are also easily seen leks of White-bearded and Golden-headed Manakins as well as Bearded Bellbirds. Tufted Coquettes and many other hummingbirds are easily seen.
For me this place was paradise. I was able to see 130 species, 44 of which were Life Birds. The center also offered excursions to other locations with excellent local guides. We went to Caroni Swamp to watch the spectacle of thousands of Scarlet Ibis coming to roost for the night. We took a trip to the Nariva Swamp and also along the Blanchisseuse Road to the beaches of Manzanilla and Blanchisseuse.
Here are a few of the birds I was able to capture with my camera.
Purple Honeycreepers

The Verandah

White-chested Emerald

Green Honeycreeper

Violaceous Trogon

Tropical Screech Owl

White-headed Marsh Tyrant

Manzanilla Beach

Early morning frenzy at the feeders: Bananaquits and Purple Honeycreepers

Female Silver-beaked Tanager

Crested Oropendula

Collared Trogon

Rufous-tailed Jacamar

White-necked Jacobin


White-bearded Manakin

Silver-lined Tanager

Violacious Euphonia

Bare-eyed Thrush

Bearded Bellbird
If you are a birder and are planning a trip to Trinidad, be sure to make a visit to the Asa Wright Nature Center. From the US you can make reservations through Caligo Ventures at
They were very helpful in making the reservations at Asa Wright as well as the excursions, flights to Tobago and our stay at the Blue Waters Inn in Tobago. The trip was affordable and well organized.