Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Backyard Birding

Sometimes you don't have to go very far at all to have a really good birding day. This morning was a perfect example. Just sitting on the deck in my back yard I was able to see 29 species in a short 1 hour. It helps that it is the peak of spring migration and the Choke Cherry tree is in full bloom.

Here is the list:

Bald Eagle


Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Red-shouldered Hawk

Blue Jay

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Great Blue Heron

Common Crow

Common Yellowthroat

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Common Grackle

Magnolia Warbler

Downy Woodpecker


Black and White Warbler

White-breasted Nuthatch


Prairee Warbler

Tufted Titmouse

American Robin

Northern Oriole

Carolina Chicadee

Wood Thrush

American Goldfinch
Canada Goose

Red-eyed Vireo

House Sparrow

Mourning Dove

Chipping Sparrow

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