Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Sights on Route 40 to Atlantic City

On the road to Atlantic City on Route 40 you drive past many interesting sites. One of the firsts you will come to is the Cowtown Rodeo. In the Spring through the Fall on Saturdays you can enjoy roping and wrangling and the talents of many a rodeo rider. There are also a few stores that specialize in all things cowboy.

The Shrine to St. Padre Pio is also along the route. Many locals and travelers leave petitions to the saint to intercede on their behalf.

 An old Studebaker showroom had become an antique store and is finally abandoned and left to decay.

Story Book Land

I don't know much about this place, but it appears that the owner has created a vintage Texaco station from pieces he has collected.

This old farm outbuilding along the road houses old farm machinery but has an almost religious appearance.

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