Monday, March 4, 2013


This past October my husband, George and I, went on a Princess Mediterranean Cruise that took us to several destinations in Italy, Turkey, Croatia and Greece. The trip was wonderful. While cruising is not my favorite method of travel this may have been the ideal way to see the destinations we visited.
I am starting here with Rome, which was actually the last stop on our itinerary, but we stayed there for a few days after the cruise so we spent the most time there. I had spent some time in Rome maybe 35 years ago so I had many memories from the the past. I couldn't wait to return but I wasn't sure if the city would live up to my memories. After all, trip #1 and #2 in the 70's was taken by a young woman in her 20's traveling on a Eurorail pass with her younger sister. Our tour guide was Frommer's book, Europe on $5 Dollars a Day. We had a vague itinerary planned but it was adjusted daily according to our wim. We had all summer and little money but we made it work. This trip was taken by an older and more cautious woman with her husband. While my method of travel has changed, the Eternal City remains the same. Except for bigger crowds and higher price tags, very little has changed. The city is as beautiful as ever. I was so glad to be able to share it now with the one I love.

 While walking to the Vatican we came across a procession by Los Hermanos del Senor de los Milagros. The feast being celebrated originated in Lima,Peru but is celebrated worldwide.


The shrine was carried by a group of men followed by women wearing lace scarves and carrying incense burners. The faithful followed along occasionally stopping to pray. 
Of course there are those places in Rome you must visit and first among those is the Trevi Fountain.

                                                     Then there is the Pantheon,
and the Coloseum.
There was the Piazza Navonna,
a lovely view of the Tibre River,
and exploring the Roman Forum. 
And just like Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, I had to visit La Boca de Verita. I did this 35 years ago and did it again on this trip. I am so happy Roma is so much the same and probably will be so for many years to come.


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