Sunday, August 15, 2010

Birding at Bombay Hook Nationall Wildlife Refuge

The marsh was beautiful this morning, so many wildflowers in bloom and so many birds. Also so many horse flies, but lucky for us they weren't biting.

This fox greeted us as we entered the refuge.

An American Avocet, my favorite shorebird and we saw literally hundreds of them. What a treat!

Another of my favorites, the Black-necked Stilt. They are so delicate and graceful.

Here is a group of Lesser Yellowlegs.

Avocets, Yellowlegs and an Egret.

Great Egrets amd Snowy Egrets

Egrets and Glossy Ibis

Butterfly on Milkweed

Finally, here is me. We did most of our birding from the car in order to avoid those bothersome horseflies. It was a rather grey morning but I think that makes for the best birding.

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