Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Ayapua

On our Earthwatch expedition we were lucky to be stationed aboard the Ayapua, a restored rubber boom era ship with many parts reclaimed from the ship used in the filming of the movie Fitzcarraldo. It was originally built in Brazil and used to carry rubber out of the Amazon. To be on such a historically important ship was a treat in itself. After our trip the ship was to be used in the marine museum in Iquitos. Here are a few pictures of my home for two weeks.

                                                    The Ayapua docked at Nauta
                                                                   The Stairway

                                                  The Dining Room/ Meeting Room

                                                                     My Bedroom

                                                   Stairways up and down

          Stairway reclaimed from the Molly Aida of Fitzcarraldo fame

                                Smokestacks and funnels from the Molly Aida

                                                              The Library

                                                                      The Helm

                                                                     The Bar

                                  The Ayapua docked on the Samiria River
                                                    An auxillary boat


Everytime we went out on an auxiliary boat for an expedition, it was such a wonderful feeling to see this ship come into view and know that we were home.

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